Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life in Him

John 1:4

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not.

So here I sit, in a hotel room in New York, contemplating the past few years of my life. Sounds really deep, this I know. When I first became a believer, life was hard, but life was easy. I had about $1500 to my name, a commission based job with no gaurantee of income, I was in the middle of a divorce, and I had Jesus. That last statement made everything else seem so insignificant. Only a month or so before, I was drinking and smoking so much, life was a blur. The pain that I felt was real, mostly because I did not understand that I was the creation of that very pain. Avoiding responsibility for my laziness, my actions, but most of all, my fears led to the destruction of the so called life I knew. Just keep floating by, floating by, things are all right, if everyone thinks I'm fine, then so do I. What a meaningless quest it is to seek your approval from others when for the most part they don't really care about much more than themselfs.

All that changed, I had Jesus. So there I was, and my life was free, my life was not about me. I had the light of Jesus, and it was shinning so brightly that the darkness that what once was my life no longer seemed important. I was not perfect, but I was perfected. My identity was revealed, exposed for who I really was, and my joy was complete for who I wanted to be in Him, a servant.

That's the good news.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Square! testimonies are always good reminders... & they are tough to argue!

    miss you bro!

